Pediatric ADHD Study
Centanafadine XR vs. Placebo
$52 per completed visit
Study Specific Details:
- Centanafadine XR vs Placebo this is a phase 3, multicenter, randomized, double-blind, placebo controlled, study to investigate the treatment effectiveness. Dr. Handal can find out what medication/dose the participant is taking in case of emergency.
- Blood draws at screening, week 2 and week 6.
- This is a 6 week trial with 4 week screening period and end of study visit.
- Participant are reimbursed $52 for their time and travel at the end of each completed visit.

- Inclusion
- Exclusion
- Male or Female ages 4-5.
- Subject meets DSM-5 criteria for ADHD.
- Medicine can either be swallowed whole or sprinkled over 1 tablespoon of applesauce.
- BMI greater or equal to 40 kg or less than or equal to the 5th percentile for age and gender.
- IQ is less or equal to 70.
- Imminent risk of injury to self.
- Current or lifetime history of suicidal behavior.
- Epilepsy or history of seizures (except for a single episode of febrile seizures - no more than 3).
- History of sever head trauma.
- Tourette's disorder, panic disorder, conduct disorder, PTSD, bipolar, psychosis, autism.
- Any of the following that is severe enough to interfere with the trial procedures or is the primary focus of treatment: GAD, ODD or OCD.
- MDD with current major depressive episode or has required treatment within 6 mo. prior to screening.
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